Born in Strasbourg in 1991, Mathilde Rohr is a French-Canadian artist. Graduate of the Fine Arts Department of Concordia University in Montreal (BFA, 2017), she has continuously been trained since 2013 in different approaches of body movement such as action art, physical theater, dance, and yoga. Her creative practice is interdisciplinary, moving between performance, drawing, video, installation, collaborations, relational art, printmaking and writing. Her work has been presented in public spaces as well as in various contemporary art centers and events in Quebec, France, Latvia, and India. In 2021, she was the recipient of a grant from the French Ministry of Culture (Aide à l'Achat de Matériel, DRAC Grand-Est).
Being part of a universe of interdependencies, I observe and question our relationships with the other - human, environment, nature, non-human - therefore with our relationship to ourselves. I enjoy challenging our behaviors tinged with capitalism to see our authentic and genuine, sometimes vulnerable, attitudes/nature blossom. I create moments of ephemeral pauses, like chimerical bubbles in the real, where artistic experience arises from this encounter with the Other. My practice embraces interdisciplinarity without restriction of medium; however, performance allows me to ground myself in my body and reach states of embodied presence and consciousness in perpetual renewal. Interested in the subtle layers of existence, I give importance to the imperceptible. Symbols, rituals, myths, memory, dreams and sacredness constitute, among others, the background of my creative process. In this life-long research, I examine ecology in its largest sense: the study of our Home. Through an ecosophical and ecosomatic approach, I lend myself to auscultations of landscapes, plants, matter, food and bodies.